Goal Setting Project; Why it Matters

Goal Setting Project; Why it Matters

The first project I completed for my Lil120 class was my goal setting essay. This project prompted the class to create 2 academic, extracurricular, and personal goals for themselves, one short-term and one long-term. Based on previous reading by scholars Ungar, Dweck, and Schyuer, students drew text to text connections from their goals to the themes from our texts. In my project, I wrote one paragraph for each goal (6 paragraphs). Separating and expanding my goals in this format helped me develop an in-depth vision of each of my goals, further cementing them in my mind. By connecting each goal to a previous text, they were given purpose and felt backed by enough support for them to be plausible. By writing out each goal instead of simply thinking it, it helps make it feel realer, and more doable. After writing this essay, I had developed a better understanding of my goals, and furthermore, the importance of each of my goals. Connecting educational texts to my goals helped understand the importance of them on my education.  

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