Seeing The Unseen (Option #1)

Seeing The Unseen (Option #1)

Sara Konrath, “What’s the Matter with Empathy”: 

“Imagining a situation from someone else’s perspective is different than simply imagining yourself in that situation. Perspective-taking often requires actively listening to what other people tell us about their experience. If it is not possible to directly listen to them, then we can use our imagination to attempt to understand what the experience means to them, considering everything else we know about them.”

This quote by Konrath talks about perspective. Konrath is telling readers that although it is helpful to imagine yourself in someone else’s situation, it is more helpful to imagine how that person feels in their situation. Taking yourself out of the situation allows you to better understand how the other person feels. This quote is very useful for Option 1 papers, it not only explains the premise of perspective, but its importance, and how to accomplish it. Because the quote encompasses all aspects of an argument, it would be helpful to use in an essay about the importance of perspective. One critic may say that it makes no sense to try and understand someone’s perspective by imagining living from their perspective. How can we imagine to be them when the whole issue is not understanding what it is like to be them, it seems counterintuitive. Furthermore, some may say it is impossible to fully remove yourself, as you are yourself, so this technique would be very complicated and maybe impossible.

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