Editorial Reflection
Overall I enjoyed this round of workshops, and it was interesting to compare the feature and profile feedback. The feature feedback was tentative initially, but eventually, the class became comfortable with critiques. However, the comments on the profiles were well-developed and delivered with more confidence. One informative and fun moment was when we edited Madi’s piece. Madi needed help cutting her article down, so the class discussed what to remove from an article over word count. We talked about eliminating repetition, cutting our unnecessary information, and sticking to a specific angle. The discussion itself was fun because everyone could pitch in and talk about solutions. The atmosphere remained thoughtful yet relaxed for the majority of our feedback rounds. Another moment I enjoyed was when we discussed the benefits and disadvantages of multiple interviews. It is crucial to ensure you get all of your necessary information in the first interview because you may not get a second interview. However, if you can get multiple interviews, it can be an excellent opportunity to know the subject better. Similarly, we talked about numerous interviews with various people. Discussing with people who know your subject helps create a well-rounded view of whoever your article is on.